I know this might be obvious to most of you but I'm stuggling to fingure out what all of the ESPHome settings do for the new Presence Sensor. Is there a guide or manual that I'm missing somewhere? More specifically, I'd like to know how the Trigger Sensitivity and Maintain Sensitivity are related.
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The "Occupancy" sensor isn't working correctly. Below at 8:23 you can see Occupancy goes clear while mmWave is still detected. This is a brand new sensor, no change to default settings, Firmware: 2023.5.5. Do I need to tweak something?
I find the mmWave to be very sensitive, and when not in the room, it comes on and off all day. I have read and adjusted the settings to try and dull this down. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Cheers James
Hey I've just gotten my presence sensor and I have a question related to the available sensors, hope this is fine here
I currently have 3 sensors related to motion/presence:
mmWave Sensor
Pir Sensor
I don't understand the "Occupancy" sensor. Am I right in that it's a combination of both mmWave and Pir sensor? Or what is it exactly for?
Very useful informations here, but still... I need some more details about the sensitivity options...
As far as I tested, difference between 0-9, for trigger sensitivity, it is calculated in miliseconds, there is no "visible" difference...
So, how can this two sensitivity sliders could help (trigger and maintain) sensitivity ?
All I know that is if I put these to a higher value, it could detect even through door, but nothing to do with time detecting.
And again, what this Blockade Time is for? I have changed in both max and min, I see no difference.
The only settings values which makes a visible difference, are only the detection delay, distance and fading.
Can you please explain me better, what is with these settings?
Thank you in advance!
the yaml that works looks like: substitutions: name: athom-presence-sensor-9ceb26 friendly_name: Bedroom Presence Sensor packages: Athom_Technology.Presence_Sensor: github://athom-tech/athom-configs/athom-presence-sensor.yaml esphome: name: ${name} name_add_mac_suffix: false friendly_name: ${friendly_name} api: encryption: key: gLOSRrQ+tnoSAGEc50WfUjN7eqfAOvdfF1zHBPaB7s0= wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password
what sections of the github yaml needs to be amended for the compile to work?
mmWave Subdivision Sensitivity and Trigger Sensitivity: Trigger sensitivity refers to the ease of triggering the sensor when entering the sensing area; maintenance sensitivity refers to the sensitivity level at which the sensor continuously detects the target after being triggered. Both trigger and maintenance sensitivities have 10 levels, with higher numbers indicating higher sensitivity and lower numbers indicating lower sensitivity. 9 is the most sensitive level, and the default sensitivity value of the module is 7.
Usually, only the farthest detection, fading time, and maintenance sensitivity need to be adjusted.
Followed by the value range and default value