I have purchased a PG05V2-AU10A plug. I am using ESPHome as the code. I have used the YAML code here: https://github.com/athom-tech/athom-configs/blob/main/athom-smart-plug-v2.yaml
When I look at the readings, they are slightly high for voltage (238 out the plug, 240 out the socket). Also, P=VxI, but that is not what the plug is saying.

The plug is saying 27w, and this is on a resistive load, so no Power factor. So, I would be expecting a power value of 240.4 x 0.2 = 48.08W.
Additionally, on the https://www.athom.tech/blank-1/esphome-au-plug page, it says that the new version is using the HLW8032 chipset. However the YAML is using the cse7766 code. Is this correct?