When are you going to upgrade your switches to a WORKING version of Tasmota? The Hue Emulation broke thanks to Philips/Amazon and stopped working until V9.4 ! This means Alexa cannot discover the switches!
You should have done something last July about this:
I've been complaining via email and all they suggest is to "upgrade" and here's a good reason why I'm nervous about that...
@Jason2866 said:
"I am in cotact with Peter (Athom CEO). Good news. Athom will change to a full compatible Tasmota build. So soon no danger to brick a device when updating.
Athom reacted fast to the feedback of the Tasmota community! :-)"
A pity you STILL don't react very fast!
WHEN are the switches going to be sold with 9.4+ ?
WHAT is your warranty if the switches become bricked during OTA ?
Brian Williams
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